Call for Papers

All submissions must be received by November 15, 2012 and sent as email attachments Acceptances will be communicated in early January, 2013.

Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), created collaboratively by Vaslav Nijinsky, Igor Stravinsky, and Nicholas Roerich, is regarded by many artists and scholars as a seminal work in the histories of dance, music, and theatre. 

In keeping with the interdisciplinarity of Le Sacre du printemps, the conference program committee invites proposals for papers, panels, and workshop sessions by scholars and artists across all disciplines of the fine and performing arts. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • the interplay of collaboration, interdisciplinarity, and creativity
  • historical and critical explorations of Le Sacre du printemps and other artistic works produced between 1900 and 1920
  • the role and artistic influence of Dalcroze and his work on productions created in the early 20th century and beyond
  • the impact/influence of Le Sacre du printemps on artistic works and creators in the early 20th century and beyond

Proposals are to be in the form of an abstract, maximum 250 words, not including the attached preliminary bibliography. Individual presentations should not exceed 20 minutes; panels and workshops can be proposed for 60 or 90 minutes. All proposals should include:

  • full title of proposed paper/presentation
  • the presenter’s full name, contact details and institutional affiliation (when applicable)
  • brief bio, maximum 75 words
  • a list of space (studio, classroom) and audiovisual/equipment requirements (data projector, CD/DVD player, piano, etc.)